joi, 27 martie 2008


Being a former Natolin student myself, I will be happy to answer any questions


The College of Europe is encouraging university graduates from countries covered by the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) and from Russia to apply to its 2008-2009 Master's programme in EU studies (the academic year will start in late August 2008 and will end in late June 2008). Full scholarships covering fees and living costs on campus are offered by the European Commission.

Citizens of the following countries are eligible: Algeria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Egypt, Georgia, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Moldova, Morocco, Palestinian Authority, Russia, Syria, Tunisia and Ukraine.

The College of Europe is one of the best and most prestigious post-graduate institutes of EU studies in Europe. It was founded in 1949 and currently has two campuses -- in Bruges (Belgium) and in Natolin (Warsaw, Poland).

The College of Europe is a thoroughly international institution -- the professors and students come from all over Europe and beyond (more than 40 countries are represented.) There are 270 students in Bruges and around 100 in Natolin.

The Bruges campus offers specialized Master's programmes in European Law, European Economics, EU Politics and Administration and EU International Relations and Diplomacy. Candidates need to have an academic background in one of these disciplines to be elligible.

The Natolin campus awards the degree of Master in European Interdisciplinary Studies. In the first semester, students take intensive courses on EU politics, law, economics and history.
In the second semester, there is an opportunity to specialise in EU governance, the Single European Market, EU foreign relations, or EU neighbourhood policy.
The Natolin campus welcomes candidates with a variety of educational qualifications -- most of the Natolin students have a background in areas such as political science, law or economics, but there is also a good number of very successful students with a literature, languages, history or science background.

More information about the study programme of the College can be found at

College of Europe graduates typically find employment in EU institutions or national governments, consultancies, law firms, business, the academia and the media. The very close interaction of the students, who live together in Bruges and in Natolin, the life-long friendships born at the College, and the network of contacts that serve alumni throughout their professional lives are some of the best features of the College of Europe formula. The languages of instruction and coursework are English and French.

Candidates must possess (at the end of the current academic year) a university degree of at least four years in duration.
The most important admissions criteria are, firstly, the motivation to come to the College and to study the EU (why does the candidate wish to study at the College? how can the experience help the candidate's career?), secondly, academic background (the quality of the diploma, grades etc.), and thirdly the language skills.

Students must be able to follow lectures, communicate and write in English and in French.
However, students who have a basic level of French and who resolve to attain an appropriate level before September will also be considered. Language proficiency may be verified during the interview, which is normally held by telephone. Detailed information about language requirements (which vary between the study programmes) can be found on

The standard deadline for applications passed in January.
However, the deadline for citizens from countries covered by the European Neighbourhood Policy (named above) and from Russia is 11 April 2008.

General information about the application procedure can be found at
Specific information about the application procedure as adapted for citizens of ENP countries and Russia can be found at
Questions about the programme offered at the Natolin campus can be directed to
Michal Miaskiewicz (
Good luck!

marți, 11 martie 2008

Felicitari cu o luna de la ultimul post pe blog!

Lumea pe cuc se tot felicita cu ultimile realizari in Campionatul de Jocuri Intelectuale, la emisiunea Erudit Cafe, care va fi lansata in curand la Moldova 1.

Eu, daca stau sa ma gandesc, trebuie sa ma felicit cu trecerea peste o luna super incarcata in care n-am prins o jumatate de ora ca sa scriu in blog.

Sa ne felicitam reciproc pentru faptul ca s-a strans suma necesara pentru operatia Alexandrinei, indiferent cu cat a contribuit fiecare dintre noi.

Sa ne felicitam cu Anul Tineretului, indiferent de mana rosie (sau alba pe fundal rosu) care ni-l ofera.

Sa ne felicitam cu 14 februarie, 8 martie, 9 martie, prima zi de marti din saptamana si alte sarbatori importante pentru fiecare dintre noi, asa cum le vede el.