sâmbătă, 12 februarie 2011
Blogul a trecut în casă nouă
Intrați, nu vă rușinați.
vineri, 11 februarie 2011
3 cărţi pe scurt. epizod II
AKŢIA este descrisă în primul post din această temă.
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Voi pe care din astea trei le-aţi citit? Pe care le-aţi văzut ecranizate? Ce impresii/ gânduri/ concluzii? Pe care aţi recomanda-o altora şi de ce?
Desene: H. Lange
Traducere şi adaptare texte: Blog



va urma...
joi, 10 februarie 2011
3 cărţi pe scurt. epizod I
Şi încă o dată atenţie, AKŢIA!
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Desene: H. Lange
Traducere şi adaptare texte: Blog



va urma...
marți, 8 februarie 2011
Moldova mâine
Mulțumiri celor care s-au implicat în realizarea hărții de mai jos: Rita, Petrică, Viorel, Irina, Lu, Oxana, Andrei, Giku, Victor, Octav, Ion.
Asta e și țara voastră. Sau mai bine zis va fi.

vineri, 4 februarie 2011
joi, 23 decembrie 2010
Calendarul “Moldova în 365 de zile”


Calendarul este în ediţie limitată şi în acest moment se distribuie doar prin Internet. Formatul : A5. Calendarul conţine şi o secţiune specială "în această zi", din care afli ce evenimente s-au întâmplat în trecut în ziua curentă.
Pentru a comanda calendarul "Moldova în 365 de zile" apelează 079605970 (Victor) sau 069512147 (Marcel) sau numerele fixe 23 28 29 sau 23 24 85.
marți, 28 septembrie 2010
”Erudit Studio” SRL angajează
Firma "Erudit Studio" SRL este o societate comercială care are drept activitate de bază (1) producerea și comercializarea jocurilor de societate (board games), (2) editarea și comercializarea cărților, (3) organizarea activităților "Erudit Club", o cafenea în care se vor comercializa jocuri de societate și cărți, se vor organiza activități pentru membrii clubului (în bază de abonament).
Pentru desfășurarea activităților sale, firma "Erudit Studio" SRL angajează tineri în următoarele posturi:
Director executiv
Numărul de posturi: 1
Condiții de eligibilitate: Studii superioare, preferabil în domeniul administrării afacerilor. Candidații cu MBA vor avea prioritate.
Orar de muncă: Full time (40 ore pe săptămână). Cinci zile pe săptămână, de luni până vineri, 09:00 – 18:00, cu pauză de 1 oră.
Calități necesare: Cunoașterea limbilor română, rusă și engleză. Cunoștințe IT specializate de preferință: Excel, administrarea bazelor de date. Spirit de inițiativă și celelalte calități apreciate de angajatori.
- Coordonarea generală a activității "Erudit Studio" SRL în contact permanent cu administratorul societății.
- Elaborarea unui plan de activitate a "Erudit Studio" SRL în comun cu administratorul societății și implementarea acestuia.
- Coordonarea segmentelor de activitate a "Erudit Studio" SRL: (1) producerea și comercializarea jocurilor de societate, (2) editarea și comercializarea cărților, (3) organizarea activităților "Erudit Club".
- Întreținerea relațiilor cu furnizorii și prestatarii de servicii contractați de "Erudit Studio" SRL, negocierea contractelor.
- Analiza și raportarea periodică a rezultatelor financiare ale societății.
- Dezvoltarea produselor societății: jocuri de societate, cărți.
- Dezvoltarea site-ului web al societății.
Remunerare: Salariu fix negociabil, cu posibilitatea unei prime în funcție de rezultat.
Administrator "Erudit Club"
Numărul de posturi: 1
Condiții de eligibilitate: Studii superioare.
Orar de muncă: Full time (40 ore pe săptămână). Cinci zile pe săptămână, de marți până sâmbătă, 13:00 – 22:00, cu pauză de 1 oră.
Calități necesare: Cunoașterea limbilor română, rusă și engleză. Cunoștințe IT specializate de preferință: Excel, administrarea bazelor de date. Spirit de inițiativă și celelalte calități apreciate de angajatori.
- În funcție de indicațiile administratorului societății și a directorului executiv, planificarea, organizarea și supravegherea activității "Erudit Club".
- Elaborarea unui plan de promovare a "Erudit Club" și implementarea acestuia în funcție de bugetul coordonat cu administratorul societății și directorul executiv.
- Elaborarea unor ghiduri de prezentare a jocurilor de societate și a colecțiilor de cărți oferite de "Erudit Club"; distribuirea acestora.
- Întreținerea "Erudit Club", coordonarea personalului: librari/chelneri, bucătari.
- Organizarea activităților pentru membrii clubului, inclusiv prezentarea jocurilor de societate (regulamente, strategii) în timpul întâlnirilor membrilor clubului.
- Întreținerea bazei de date a membrilor clubului, comunicarea cu membrii clubului, elaborarea programului de activitate.
- Comunicarea cu clienții on-line ai societății.
Remunerare: Salariu fix negociabil.
Librari/ chelneri
Numărul de posturi: 4
Condiții de eligibilitate: Studii superioare de preferință.
Orar de muncă: 36 ore pe săptămână, 6 zile câte 6 ore pe zile, în funcție de orar.
Calități necesare: Cunoașterea limbilor română, rusă. Comunicabilitate.
- Deservirea clienților "Erudit Club".
- Cunoașterea, prezentarea și promovarea produselor "Erudit Club".
- Introducerea informațiilor în baza de date a membrilor clubului.
Remunerare: Salariu fix negociabil.
Persoanele interesate în unul din posturile de mai sus sunt rugate să ne contacteze prin e-mail la adresa spatarumATyahooDOTcom sau la numarul de telefon 069512147.
miercuri, 12 mai 2010
Eurovision 2010. Second Semifinal + 5 Final Songs Preview
Here is the second part of my Eurovision 2010 preview. In this post I will comment the songs from the second semifinal and the 5 direct entries to the ESC final.
It will take you some time to see the videos and read my comments, so I would like to thank you in advance for the effort. It would be nice if you could leave some comments (doesn't matter the language), on any song you like or dislike.
Since I comprehensively explained why am I doing this in the previous entry, let me go directly to the second semifinal, which I found largely unbalanced and oversaturated with ballads.
LITHUANIA - InCulto „East European Funk”
- The only funk song in the contest, and the only light mocking on Eurovision in this semi-final
- Real fun for the start. Good for a warm up.
- Relatively easy to perform live
- Catchy trumpet
- Very strong competitors in this semi-final
- Not a streamline style of music
- Will not appeal to "serious voters", as the humor is direct, not subtle
- Audience will not be warmed enough to enjoy funk music from the start
Betting Odds:
- To qualify for the final: 2.5
- To win the contest: 81-201
- Not to qualify for the final
ARMENIA - Eva Rivas „Apricot Stone”
- Lejla style beginning will appeal to Eurovision fans and Balkan voters. For them, that's when the semi-final actually begins
- One of the favorites in the betting
- Beautiful girl
- She seems to be suffering, though the song is perfectly suitable for discos
- The symbolism of apricot stone not understood by European voters
- Difficult to sing live. And she is the first to perform this type of vocal songs in the contest.
Betting Odds:
- To qualify for the final: 1.1
- To win the contest: 15-19
- To qualify for the final
ISRAEL - Harel Skaat „Milim”
- Another betting favorite
- Excellent live interpretation
- Will appeal to Belgians and French people, who will hear Jacques Brel in the intro
- For me, it's music about music. Even if few will understand the lyrics on the song, the tune is self-sufficient (just imagine he sings "I love you" or "I'm suffering")
- Will appeal to the conservative part of Eurovision voters
- It is difficult to make a stage show with this song
- Will not be able to take a symphonic orchestra on stage with him
- Is in between two favorites, Armenia and Denmark
Betting Odds:
- To qualify for the final: 1.06
- To win the contest: 5.5-9
- To qualify for the final
DENMARK - Chanée & N'evergreen „In a Moment Like This”
- Yet another bookers' darling
- Solemn Eurovision-style tune
- The first male-female duet in the semifinal
- Voices fit excellently (unlike in the Moldovan duet)
- Comes in after two strong performances, and is not in any way worse than what we just heard
- Not very catchy
- The stage show is static
- Will depend on camera work (mobility of the picture)
Betting Odds:
- To qualify for the final: 1.14
- To win the contest: 8-11
- To qualify for the final
SWITZERLAND - Michael von der Heide „Il pleut de l'or”
- A chance to make a memorable pluie d'or (gold rain) on stage. The song allows for creativity in scenography
- Singing in French is everything but an advantage these years in Eurovision
- Eurovision conservatives have better choices in this semifinal
- Does he know what gold rain means in Russian, for instance?
- Comes in after Denmark, and the comparison is not in favor of Switzerland. Is followed Sweden, which is another strong entry
Betting Odds:
- To qualify for the final: 4
- To win the contest: 126-532
- Not to qualify for the final
SWEDEN - Anna Bergendahl „This Is My Life”
- Simple yet touching presence. She is one of my personal favorites
- The quiver in her voice will conquer many hearts
- She appears to be very, very sincere
- She is not the type of Swedish beauty we are all used to
- Static performance
- Follows a row of similar songs. Audience could start wandering if there is something else apart these Eurovision archetypal songs
Betting Odds:
- To qualify for the final: 1.28
- To win the contest: 17-36
- To qualify for the final
AZERBAIJAN - Səfurə Əlizadə „Drip Drop”
- Bookmakers' favorite. I don't really see why, but the fact is a fact.
- Out of all the songs in the contest, the closest to mainstream commercial music, due to the RnB-ish Drip-drop drip-drop wuuuooo wuuuooo sequence
- Overall good performance, allows for some walking on the stage
- Is followed by Ukraine, which has a flatter performance
- Not the song to display best vocal performance.
- I would have expected a more dynamic ending.
- I don't believe someone broke her heart. Watch her smile.
- Not to perform at the height of previous vocalists. Nor she is a good dancer.
Betting Odds:
- To qualify for the final: 1.02
- To win the contest: 2.75-4
- To qualify for the final
UKRAINE - Alyosha „Sweet People”
- Russian, pardon, Ukrainian typical beauty
- The song allows for a full display of the capacity of her voice
- Static performance
- Disturbing song. Specific melody. What is that, ballad, jazz?
- Comes in immediately after a range of favorites
- Audience will be tired of strong vocal music. Could provoke rejection from some listeners.
Betting Odds:
- To qualify for the final: 1.57
- To win the contest: 41-257
- Not to qualify for the final
THE NETHERLANDS - Sieneke Peeters „Ik ben verliefd (Sha-la-lie)”
- First notes will be like a breath of fresh air for the exhausted audience
- Entertaining tune, sounds very funny in Dutch
- Finally some dance in this semifinal (of course we had not forgotten our Lithuanian fellows, but it was so long ago)
- Does not need extraordinary vocal qualities
- Was it in the contest? I thought it was a commercial break
- Kids vote less than adults
- Comes in after some very strong vocal performances. Will not be chosen by the juries
Betting Odds:
- To qualify for the final: 7
- To win the contest: 126-523
- Not to qualify for the final
ROMANIA - Paula Seling şi Ovi Martin „Playing With Fire”
- Dutch performance makes the impression of splitting the contest in two. Romania has a good chance to electrify the audience with a serious yet entertaining entry
- Hot intro, many catchy parts
- In this song, you want to see Paula dancing, not playing the piano. A chance for a great ending if they find something better than wuuuuooouuooo.
- Sounds great when they sing on turns, but it doesn't fit that well while singing together.
- It's difficult to believe they are actually playing the piano.
- Very difficult to sing live. The studio version of the song is much better.
Betting Odds:
- To qualify for the final: 1.44
- To win the contest: 67-101
- To qualify for the final
SLOVENIA - Ansambel Žlindra & Kalamari „Narodnozabavni rock”
- Different than everything we had until now… in music. It's quite ok since it's nothing but a sketch.
- Will appeal to… difficult to say, but someone must like it, if it qualified to the ESC
- A weird mix of styles. It's like a collection of shortcuts from several songs. Doesn't create the impression of being a solid piece.
- Due to the specific style, the singers exclude each other when they start singing
- Despite pretending to be "funny", it remains static and annoyingly repetitive
- Audience could not understand this is a sketch. As they sing in Slovenian, it is almost impossible to guess what they are singing about if you don't know the language. I suppose lyrics are the key to this song.
Betting Odds:
- To qualify for the final: 8
- To win the contest: 151-684
- Not to qualify for the final
IRELAND - Niamh Kavanagh „It's For You”
- Back to ballads. Another good one, though not the best.
- A bright song, once again for Eurovision conservatives.
- Some Celtic tones, but not very efficient. Could have been used more.
- Stage presence, not the youngest nor the most beautiful singer
- Though the lyrics are finally optimistic, the song is very sad. She smiles widely, but this does not help much
- Many ballads this year. Electorate may be already decided in favor of one of the previous entries.
Betting Odds:
- To qualify for the final: 1.36
- To win the contest: 21-51
- To qualify for the final
BULGARIA - Miroslav Kostadinov „Anghel si ti”
- Chalga, but an improved version of chalga. Has its own voters in Romania, Serbia and around the place.
- Could be accompanied by a great stage show, with angels and all the stuff.
- It's ok that he sings in Bulgarian. Anyway the song is about the fact that she is an Angel. Everybody will understand and will appreciate that he sings in his own language, unlike all those… you know.
- Basic rhythm, reminds me of the music of the 90s in Eastern countries.
- Electronic intermezzo (sorry for the big word)? Not the best choice to fit Europeans' tastes.
- Despite not being a classical ballad, it is difficult to sing live. In the studio version his voice is obviously digitally remastered.
Betting Odds:
- To qualify for the final: 5
- To win the contest: 101-466
- Not to qualify for the final
CYPRUS - Jon Lilygreen & The Islanders „Life Looks Better In Spring”
- The perfect bonfire guitar song. I actually like it, wish I could play the guitar.
- Young and restless, this is the guy next door singing that love will be better in spring. Next spring, when you'll be 18, darling.
- Too simple for ending the vibrant show we had up to now. Luckily there is Croatia coming in next.
- Narrow target group. In fact, 17-year old girls, as we've seen. Sorry, just kidding.
- Will get few votes from the jury. Unfortunately, he's name is not Brian Adams.
- Not to hear the guitar. In fact, this is a guitar song, and I want to hear his guitar on stage. During much of the preview, I see him strumming the strings, but I don't hear the instrument.
Betting Odds:
- To qualify for the final: 2.1
- To win the contest: 51-190
- Not to qualify for the final
CROATIA - Feminnem „Lako je sve”
- My favorite Balkan entry. My favorite ballad. Indeed, it's easy for these girls to… you know it once again… everything.
- Three voices fitting perfectly together. The best collective singing composition in the contest.
- Great instrumental sequence at the end of the second minute
- Ascendant composition. You feel the song evolving on stage and it does not seem repetitive.
- When they cry "Ja te volim" I do believe. Well, that they love someone. And once again, instrumental composition helps a big deal.
- Enters the contest towards the end of the show. It is generally considered an advantage in ESC.
- "Only" sixth in the betting. But this is the disadvantage of a favorite, only important in the final.
- Hard to find a real disadvantage, but see the risk below.
- Vocal interpretation is extremely important. Many components to bring together (start with the fact that there are three equally important voices) in order to ensure the expected effect.
Betting Odds:
- To qualify for the final: 1.12
- To win the contest: 13-30
- To qualify for the final
GEORGIA - Sofia Nijaradze „Shine”
- Yet another strong ballad.
- Good voice and a beautiful singer. Could catch some votes from the juries.
- Second from the end, maybe the favorite entry number among Eurovision contestants
- Comes in after Croatia. Difficult to compete, though not impossible.
- Flat composition, no evolution in the song, despite crying "shine, shine" in the opening of the last minute gives some hope
- Viewers already tired of ballads. And ballad lovers' votes already distributed.
Betting Odds:
- To qualify for the final: 1.57
- To win the contest: 51-133
- To qualify for the final
TURKEY - maNga „We Could Be The Same”
- So much different from everything we had in this final. And the only authentic (rap) rock song in the contest.
- The kind of song you wish to be there to listen to it being performed live. Entirely live.
- Will grab all the votes from rockers. Linkin Park, Brainstorm fans have at least found their favorites.
- Will they bring flags on stage? They definitely should! But no fireworks.
- The beginning is much better than the ending.
- Camera work will be very important. At least as important as it was in the case of Zdob si Zdub in 2005 (see good camera work in semifinal vs bad camera work in the final)
Betting Odds:
- To qualify for the final: 1.1
- To win the contest: 17-46
- To qualify for the final
And yet there are another five songs directly qualified for the final. And surprisingly these are very strong entries.
GERMANY - Lena Meyer-Landrut „Satellite”
- More than 12 million views on youtube! This is not a joke anymore.
- The kind of song that you want to sing along.
- The feminine version of Alexader Rybak, in the good sense. And she is his favorite for the contest this year.
- Her smile is so cute.
- Good live performance.
- Difficult to make a stage show. But does she really need fireworks? Her advantage is simplicity.
- Enters directly the final. Semifinal audience could already have some favorites.
Betting Odds:
- To win the contest: 3.5-5
SPAIN - Daniel Diges „Algo pequeñito”
- Yet another love song and a lovely one. You see love from another perspective with this one. If I could, this is exactly the kind of song that I would like to sing to my girlfriend.
- The dolls and toys on the stage give additional flair to the performance, without making it looking childish
- Though it's such a touching song (if you connect to it), it does not allow for great vocal performance.
- The ending breaks the atmosphere of song. And I suspect it was introduced especially for Eurovision.
- Would those who do not speak Spanish understand it's a love song?
Betting Odds:
- To win the contest: 51-152
GREAT BRITAIN - Josh Dubovie „That Sounds Good to Me”
- He is the kind of cutie that sings a song showing that "anything is possible to do". Even to participate in Eurovision with this song.
- Standard ceremony Eurovision entry. It is difficult to believe that such songs would generally exist if not for Eurovision.
- Will not get votes from Central and Eastern European televoters.
- Back vocals to sing better than the lead.
Betting Odds:
- To win the contest: 41-247
FRANCE - Jessy Matador „Allez! Ola! Olé!”
- J'ai envie de bouger, oui, vraiment!
- It will be the hottest show on the stage.
- Ethnic parts fit very well, very fresh.
- Did you notice that he is the first black singer in Eurovision in years?
- No need to show great vocal performance. The rhythm does it all.
- Football World Cup is approaching.
- Football World Cup starts only in June.
- Will not be appreciated by juries.
- It's difficult to sing and to dance in the same time. I mean this kind of dance.
Betting Odds:
To win the contest: 41-133
NORWAY - Didrik Solli-Tangen „My Heart Is Yours”
- Handsome man singing about… guess what… no surprise, love.
- Good voice, far from perfect, but still good.
- He represents the hosting country. By default, he will get a little more attention than other contestants.
- Too much emphasis on his voice. And when he is supposed to take low, he hits some false notes.
- The song itself, difficult to remember among many other better ballads.
- To be compared with Rybak's entry (not with Rybak as a singer).
Betting Odds:
To win the contest: 11-29
luni, 19 aprilie 2010
Eurovision 2010. First Semifinal Preview
This is my very first entry in English on my blog and it is dedicated to one of my latest interests, the Eurovision Song Contest. I have explained in several of my previous posts (though in Romanian) the reasons for which I like so much the ESC. This entry is not about it J
In fact, I have listened quite a few times this year's entries and had thoughts about and attitudes towards all of them. Here is the result - the first part of the presentation of this year's songs, first semifinal's entries. But before I go on deconstructing the songs, I would like to make some general remarks:
- I am not a professional music critic, nor do I play guitar. I also sing dreadfully. But I do have a blog. And my father is a professional musician. And I grew up understanding and discussing music.
- I did Eurovision previews since 2005, but never published them on-line. However, I think this year's contest is one of the most difficult to predict, as there are no clear favorites (last year I have predicted Rybak to win, it was an easy job)
- I do think this year's entries are not as good as last year's ones. I also consider second semifinal to be stronger (if I may apply this label to music). Altogether, these are good circumstances for Olia Tira and Sun Stroke Projekt, as their entry was not acclaimed by Moldovans the way ESC songs by Zdob si Zdub or Nelly Ciobanu had been.
- There are 17 songs in the first Semifinal. I have tried to identify the specific advantages, disadvantages and risks that every contestant might face. I have also shown odds given by bookmakers. Finally, I have given a forecast on whether the song will make it up to the final or not. Last year I had a prediction accuracy of at least 80% for both semifinals, but I do not expect to have the same precision this year.
- It will take you some time to see the videos and read my comments, so I would like to thank you in advance for the effort. It would be nice if you could leave some comments (doesn't matter the language), on any song you like or dislike. If I'll find your comments useful to improve the preview, I will use them without hesitation. It's my blog, after all. And yes, all you'll read below are my opinions, and should not be treated in any other way than as my opinions. Nor should I be claimed responsible for any betting decision that you might take on the basis of my assessment.
MOLDOVA - SunStroke Project şi Olia Tira "Run away"
- Few up tempo songs this year. This is very unique in its genre.
- Great intro and catchy saxophone part
- 12 points from Romania, more than 6 points from both Spain and Portugal
- Will look great in replays
- Poor live performance from Olia Tira
- No harmony in the duet, his and her voices do not fit well together
- Starting first. It will depend a bit on the opening ceremony.
Betting Odds:
- To qualify for the final: 1.63
- To win the contest: 51-101
- To qualify for the final
RUSSIA - Piotr Nalici „Lost and Forgotten”
- Nalitch's authority among Russian speaking Internet users in many post-Soviet countries
- Good voice and very personal live interpretation
- Russia has not missed a single final since the semifinal-final format was introduced.
- Performs second, after an up-tempo song. Could be shadowed by Moldovan's performance
- Not necessarily the most romantic amongst the lyrical songs this year
- Specific humor in the song
Betting Odds:
- To qualify for the final: 1.53
- To win the contest: 51-201
- To qualify for the final
ESTONIA - Malcolm Lincoln & Manpower 4 „Siren”
- The most original entry this year. In my opinion, if there is something called "Eurovision format", this piece is definitely out of it, even more than Lordy's song was.
- Will definitely appeal to emos
- Scary song, repulsive to persons not used to this genre
- Estonia cannot hope for much neighborhood help, except from Finland
- Live performance. I find difficult to imagine how it sounds live
Betting Odds:
- To qualify for the final: 1.51
- To win the contest: 81-201
- Not to qualify for the final
SLOVAKIA - Kristína Peláková „Horehronie”
- The first song with folk accents. Will appeal both to Central European and to Balkan voters
- Very rhythmic, dynamic tune
- Good vocal, though not masterly, interpretation
- Beautiful singer
- Slovakia is a relative newcomer to Eurovision. Cannot count on "neighborhood voting", as Czech Republic does not participate.
- Misinterpretation of the "Hallelujah" part
Betting Odds:
- To qualify for the final: 1.21
- To win the contest: 26-41
- To qualify for the final
FINLAND - Kuunkuiskaajat „Työlki ellää”
- Nice and happy song.
- Will appeal to those that like Gipsy rhythms
- Follows Slovakia and audience will be connected to folk party songs
- Beautiful Nordic singers
- What does the girl with the violin do in the back?
- Vocal interpretation in between up tempo choruses is not convincing
Betting Odds:
- To qualify for the final: 1.85
- To win the contest: 67-257
- To qualify for the final
LATVIA - Aisha „What For?”
- Good live interpretation, though not a challenging tune
- Too slow, too sweet
- Not an original song. Definitely reminds me of a well-known melody, though I'm still struggling to find which one. I have it on the top of my tongue, will you help me to find out which is it?
- Ending, with the Whitney Houston - style high notes, is a bit too much
- "Mister God"? Shouldn't be surprised if Belarus comes in next year with "Tovarisch God".
Betting Odds:
- To qualify for the final: 2.22
- To win the contest: 101-201
- Not to qualify for the final
SERBIA - Milan Stanković „Ovo je Balkan”
- Goran Bregovic's hand
- Very much oriented towards Balkan voters, should get points from almost everywhere in the region
- Funkiest folk up-tempo song in the semifinal
- Spanish speaking audience will enjoy hearing "puta" so many times
- Melodically not so fine as Slovakia's entry
- Singer's appearance
Betting Odds:
- To qualify for the final: 1.29
- To win the contest: 41-81
- To qualify for the final
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA - Vukašin Brajić „Thunder and Lightning”
- Bosnia has never missed an Eurovision final
- Loud, and not so entertaining as the previous entry
- The least competitive Bosnian entry in recent history
- Enters the competition after Serbia
- To lose Balkan voters because of such a cosmopolite, non folk song
Betting Odds:
- To qualify for the final: 1.69
- To win the contest: 81-323
- Not to qualify for the final
POLAND - Marcin Mroziński „Legenda”
- Easy to remember chorus
- Good voice of the singer, well combined with female back vocal
- Poland could benefit from the wave of international attention it had been given this year
- The song seems to be composed of several pieces, and the passing is not always smooth
- Poland does not have "Eurovision friends"
- Difficult to perform live
Betting Odds:
- To qualify for the final: 2.9
- To win the contest: 101-301
- Not to qualify for the final
BELGIUM - Tom Dice „Me and My Guitar”
- Excellent vocal interpretation
- Will appeal to "conservative Eurovisionists"
- Clear and explicit lyrics
- His eyes
- Weird squats and grimaces
- No evolution in the song
- Belgium is quite isolated in Eurovision voting
- Followed by a strong ballad from Malta
- Not to fit in what people expect from Eurovision, and not to exceed expectations neither
Betting Odds:
- To qualify for the final: 1.17
- To win the contest: 26-67
- Not to qualify for the final
MALTA - Thea Garrett „My Dream”
- Strong ballad and excellent interpretation
- Malta's reputation of a country specialized on strong ballads, will retain the same voters as in previous years
- Not a sexy singer
- Many ballads this year
Betting Odds:
- To qualify for the final: 2.14
- To win the contest: 67-276
- To qualify for the final
ALBANIA - Juliana Pasha „It's All About You”
- Follows a long queue of ballads, it will be immediately noticed by its public
- Excellent start
- Makes you move
- Repetitive from the minute 1:30, no evolution in the song
- Followed by Greece
- Will much depend on the stage show
Betting Odds:
- To qualify for the final: 1.12
- To win the contest: 41-151
- To qualify for the final
GREECE - Giorgos Alkeos and Friends „OPA”
- Greece is a giant of Eurovision
- A Ruslana style start, could appeal to many fans of folk music
- Greek language sounds great in the song
- Follows Albania, which will prepare the audience for an up-tempo song
- Great opportunity for a fire-dance
- Stage movements of the singer. Compared Sakis Rouvas, Giorgos Alkaios seems to be made of wood
- No too many risks in the semi-final
Betting Odds:
- To qualify for the final: 1.07
- To win the contest: 17-26
- To qualify for the final
PORTUGAL - Filipa Azevedo „Há dias assim”
- Could appeal to those voters that like songs in genuine languages
- She really suffers on the stage (though it is not clear for what), could provoke pity
- Comes in after Greece. Audience will find it difficult to disconnect from Giorgos Alkaios' energy
- There was Malta in the contest, that would have impressed more by now
- She shouts
- To lose her voice shouting. Just kiddin'.
Betting Odds:
- To qualify for the final: 2.06
- To win the contest: 81-380
- Not to qualify for the final
MACEDONIA - Gjoko Taneski „Jas ja imam silata”
- Though not folk, very traditional music for the Balkans
- Strong chorus, good back vocal
- It is not clear what is he singing about, though it seems to be important
- He shouts better than he sings at the beginning of the song
- The rap part could be misinterpreted by some voters
Betting Odds:
- To qualify for the final: 2.71
- To win the contest: 101-523
- Not to qualify for the final
BELARUS - 3+2 „Butterflies”
- Very calm, positive and sunny song. Chorus is definitely similar to Alsu's "Vsegda i navsegda", though is much less emotionally touching (at least for me).
- The song is just perfectly suited to be combined with new technologies. Screen will display giant butterflies. This should impress.
- Starting is not convincing
- Too much pathos for some viewers
Betting Odds:
- To qualify for the final: 1.4
- To win the contest: 26-90
- To qualify for the final
ICELAND - Hera Björk „Je ne sais quoi”
- Follows Belarus, and is superior in terms of vocal performance
- I expect her to get many votes from the jury, as she is an outstanding vocalist (she really sings, not shouts as some other singers in this semifinal do)
- Is a little bit too loud for a ballad
- Is the singer to end the show, most of the audience has preferences by that time.
Betting Odds:
- To qualify for the final: 1.48
- To win the contest: 34-200
- To qualify for the final
vineri, 16 aprilie 2010
Două știri
Neserios: Recent, Franța a vorbit despre Republica Moldova datorită filmului «Les invités de mon père», în care o Veronika Novak joacă rolul unei moldovence. N-am văzut filmul, dar am reținut o frază spusă de o comentatoare la TF1: "La jeune fille, elle vient de Moldavie. Qu'est ce qu'on en sait sur la Moldavie - mafia, pauvreté, sexualité. C'est bien normal de se servir de son cul pour gagner sa vie là bas".
Foarte serios: Uniunea Europeană a anunțat că, din cauza crizei, va tăia din banii alocați politicii de vecinătate. Astfel, bugetul Misiunii de Asistență la Frontiera Republicii Moldova și a Ucrainei, EUBAM (în română MAFUE), va fi redus considerabil, ceea ce va afecta direct remunerarea experților străini care lucrează în Misiune. Drept răspuns, experții au amenințat că în cazul în care UE nu va restabili finanțarea Misiunii, ei vor rezolva conflicul transnistrean.